Confessions of a shimmer addict……

**Don’t forget to play to win a digi freebie by trying to guess the first stamp in our new release!!  Sandie has the next hint on her blog!  Have you figured it out yet??  Wnat to play from the beginning?  Start at Cat’s blog!  The reveal will be tomorrow with a blog hop starting with Cat!**


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hi my name is marti and i am a shimmer-a-holic!  hahahha

so played a bit more with my Twinkling H2Os that just arrived.  One of my MOST fave things is faux watercolor which i usually do with regular ink pads.  but i *heard* you could do it with twinks and that is one of the main reason i got them.  i made a few things a couple nights ago and when i saw the sketch challenge on SCS i KNEW it would be perfect for my wild flower piece!  i love it when that happens!

here is the sketch:



and the card:


The darker images are twinks – i wet the paint and let it sit until it was more creamy than watery, painted the color directly onto my stamp, misted with water and stamped on watercolor paper.  the lighter images are brilliance inks – i inked the stamps up with different colors, stamped off once on a scrap piece of paper and then stamped on my image panel to get the *ghosty* look.

here’s a close up that really shows the shimmery-ness:
the shimmer

ok anyone who thinks i am having WAY too much fun learning stuff in photoshop raise their hands *raise my hand* – HAHHAHAHHA!!

when i brought it upstairs i realized it matched the gift bag fairly well from yesterday – TA-DA – a set HAHHAHHA!


I am thinking i will pull out some of the little studio G fairy stamps and make one more thing for a matching gift set and then put it up in my etsy shop which has sat empty for far too long!!!  My friend suzanne has had such great success with hers!

Well we are off to Walmart and the grocery store – i want to get the errands out of the way while it is still raining because tomorrow is supposed to be nice enough to play outside….ALLLLLLLL DAY!!!!

thanks so much for dropping by – it means the world to me to see you here!




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Stamps: Close to My Heart – “Treasure Life”

Inks: Brilliance Pearlescents – Lime, Sky blue, Coral, Yellow, Orange; Memento – Tuxedo Black

Paper: Watercolor paper; PTI – Lemon Tart, New Leaf; Cloud 9 design – “Sunrise Smoothie collection” – Sparkle Sunrise Bouquet, Sparkle Paradise Small Flowers

The Rest: Twinkling H2Os – Kiwi, Yellow Rose, Persimmon, Dutch Iris; TH edge distresser tool; Distress Ink – Antique Linen; Ink Blending Foam Tool; Pez-A-Bling – Geranium, Muskmelow

10 Responses

  1. Congratulations, Marti. The first step is admitting you have a problem. The second step is to get your system used to it by USING MORE TWINKS!!! My eyes are reflecting all the pretty shimmery sparklyness!!!! I LOVE SPARKLE and I love, Love, LOVE your card!!! It’s awesome! I love all the different techniques you’re showingcasing…now I have to buy some watercolor paper! LOL…

  2. Love the beautiful card! I don’t know why I’m scared to try new techniques (what’s the worst that could happen – I can always just throw away the evidence!) but you’re inspiring me to break out of my comfort zone!

  3. Beautiful Marti! I love the faux watercoloring effect & all the shimmer. I wanna know how to do that effect in Photoshop—wahhhhh–tell meeeeee!

    Congrats on the Bosskut DT too–fabulous!


  4. Marti,
    I will join in being addticted to spakle and shimmer. I love how you stamped with Twinkling H2O’s. I will have to try it. Beautiful card! I love what you did with the photo. I so need to learn how to do that.

  5. Aren’t the twinks just the most fun way to shimmer? Your card is beautiful!

  6. Very pretty. As is everything you do!

  7. Very very pretty!!!! Love the shimmer, and the flowers!!!! Im raise’n my hand, and I think the rest of us need some lessons on the photo shop…lol I think when I get some extra time to mess around in those programs I will have to try this. I love how the picture moves to different views!! Awesome job Marti!!!:)


  8. Loving the Shimmer Marti and that faux watercolor look! (and great photoshop affect, very nice)

  9. Oh goodness that card is beautiful! Amazing work!!!

  10. Your card is stunning! I love your photoshop is so twinkly!! I better place my order for them before it’s too late..I already have a ton but I don’t want to run out of my favs. Thanks for the inspiration!!

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